“The most dangerous worldviews are the worldviews of those who have never viewed the world.”
― Alexander von Humboldt
Extreme aquatic environmentS IN MEXICO (Tabasco)
- 1-month field trip in 2016
- 3-week field trip in 2017
- 3-week field trip in 2018
- 3-week field trip in 2019
- 2-week field trip in 2022
Sulphide springs of the BAÑos del Azufre system
- surveyed 5 km of the sulphur spring watershed for fish abundance, water chemistry, habitat structure and diving behaviour
- analysis of collective escape waves shown by the local fish population (Poecilia sulphuraria and Gambusia eurystoma)
- collected data on activity patterns and success rates of avian predators preying on fish
Caves with Active Sulphidic springs
- comparative studies of sociality of cave– and surface-dwelling ecotypes of Poecilia mexicana
- investigated behavioural adaptations of cavefish in response to prey and predation cues
- collected data on the onset of eye degeneration and implications for social behaviour
Final Tiles Gallery id=13 does not exist
Thermally-altered freshwater systems in Europe
- 4 x 2-day fieldwork trips in 2016
- 2- day fieldwork trip in 2017
- 2-day fieldwork trip in 2018
- 3-day fieldwork trip in 2021
- 2-day fieldwork trip in 2022
- monitoring of temperature and basic water chemistry profiles of thermally-altered freshwater sites with data loggers
- sampled abundance, species richness and distribution of fish and macroinvertebrate community along a thermal gradient
- seine fishing
- dip netting
- crayfish traps
- catch-and-release (Visible Implant Elastomer tagging)
Final Tiles Gallery id=14 does not exist
Bat Hibernation caves
Limestone cave in Bad Segeberg
- 1-week fieldwork trip in 2018
- 3-week fieldwork trip in 2020
- 2 x 3-day fieldwork trips in 2021
- monitoring of spatio-temporal variation of bat activity preceding hibernation (August-November)
- infrared camera
- acoustic monitoring with bat detectors
- automated counts via light barrier at the hibernation roost
- acoustic surveys of vocalisation (social calls) during autumn swarming
Final Tiles Gallery id=16 does not exist
- 2012 (Erasmus, 6 months)
- 2014 (thesis work, 6 months)
Marine Harvest Norway AS
(Bergen, Hordaland)
- visit of several on- and off-shore aquaculture facilities
- implementing and monitoring of feeding regimes during production of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
- sampling of different larval developmental stages of
- determination of feeding efficiency and growth rates
Final Tiles Gallery id=15 does not exist
Field Research Station Tagliamento (FIRST)
- 2-week fieldwork trip in 2013
- surveyed and characterised transects along 2 km of stream habitat of the Tagliamento river
- physical and chemical water parameters
- characterisation of riparian community (measurements of biodiversity)
- aquatic-terrestrial interactions
- spatio-temporal stability and dynamic changes of macroinvertebrate communities in response to flow regime
- assessment of insect activity density using pitfall traps during the day and light traps at night
- observations of competitive interaction between the invasive plant Solidago canadensis and native fauna
Final Tiles Gallery id=18 does not exist
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Animal care traineeship at the South African Association for Marine Biological Research (SAAMBR)
- 2010 (6-month internship)
Sardine Run Survey
- recorded shark and marine mammal activity across 37 swimming beaches
- assessed abundance and distribution of avian predators
- collection of data on small-scale, seasonal beach seine fishery
Penguin rookery & Quarantine at UShaka Marine World
- helped maintain local breeding program of African jackass penguins Sphenicus demersus
- assisted in providing medical treatment to stranded marine mammals
Final Tiles Gallery id=17 does not exist