Peer-reviewed publications

- Lukas J†, Krause J†, Träger AS, Piotrowski JM, Romanczuk P, Sprekeler H, Arias-Rodriguez L, Krause S, Schutz C, Bierbach D (2023) Multispecies collective waving behaviour in fish. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378(1874):
† authors contributed equally - Gómez-Nava L, Lange RT, Klamser PP, Lukas J, Arias-Rodriguez L, Bierbach D, Krause J, Sprekeler H, Romanczuk P (2023) Fish shoals resemble a stochastic excitable system driven by environmental perturbations. Nature Physics:
- Francisco FA, Lukas J, Stöcker A, Romanczuk P, Bierbach D (2022) Experienced social partners hinder learning performance in naive clonal fish. bioRxiv. [preprint]
- Bierbach D†, Gómez-Nava L†, Francisco FA, Lukas J, Musiolek L, Hafner VV, Landgraf T, Romanczuk P, Krause J (2022) Live fish learn to anticipate the movement of a fish-like robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 17(6): 065007.
† authors contributed equally - Vilizzi L, Piria M, Pietraszewski D, Kopecký O, Špelić I, Radočaj T, Šprem N, Ta KAT, Tarkan AS, Weiperth A, Yoğurtçuoğlu, Candan O, Herczeg G, Killi N, Lemić D, Szajbert B, Almeida D, Al-Wazzan Z, Atique U, Bakiu R, Chaichana R, Dashinov D, Ferincz Á, Flieller G, Gilles Jr. AS, Goulletquer P, Interesova E, Iqbal S, Koyama A, Kristan P, Li S, Lukas J, Moghaddas SD, Monteiro J, Mumladze L, Olsson KH, Paganelli D, Perdikaris C, Pickholtz R, Preda C, Ristovska M, Švolíková K, Števove B, Uzunova E, Vardakas L, Verreycken H, Wei H, Zięba G (2022) Development and application of a multilingual electronic decision-support tool for risk screening non-native terrestrial animals under current and future climate conditions. Neobiota 76: 211–236.
- Doran C†, Bierbach D†, Lukas J†, Klamser P, Landgraf T, Klenz H, Habedank M, Arias Rodriguez L, Krause S, Romanczuk P, Krause J (2021) Fish waves as emergent collective antipredator behavior. Current Biology 32: 1–7.
† authors contributed equally - Bierbach D, Schutz C, Weimar N, Escurra Alegre A, Francisco FA, Wersing S, O’Connor OL, Kempkes M, Rose U, Miesen FW, Habedank M, Jourdan J, Kabus J, Hof D, Hornung S, Emde S, Rüffert L, Lukas J (2022) Discovery of a new but established population of the guppy in Germany. bioRxiv. [preprint]
- Bierbach D, Francisco F, Lukas J, Landgraf T, Maxeiner M, Romanczuk P, Musiolek L, Hafner VV, Krause J (2021) Biomimetic robots promote the 3Rs Principle in animal testing. Proceedings of the ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life: Online publication (pp. 36).
- Lukas J, Romanczuk P, Klenz H, Klamser P, Arias Rodriguez L, Krause J, Bierbach D (2021) Acoustic and visual stimuli combined promote stronger responses to aerial predation in fish. Behavioral Ecology 32(6): 1094–1102.
- Lukas J, Auer F, Goldhammer T, Krause J, Romanczuk P, Klamser P, Arias Rodriguez L, Bierbach D (2021) Diurnal changes in hypoxia shape predator-prey interaction in a bird-fish system. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 9: 619193.
- Lukas J, Kalinkat G, Miesen FW, Landgraf T, Krause J, Bierbach D (2021) Consistent behavioural syndromes across seasons in an invasive freshwater fish. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 8: 583670.
- Copp GH, Vilizzi L, Wei H, Li S, Piria M, Al-Faisal AJ, Almeida D, Atique U, Al-Wazzan Z, Bakiu R, Bašić T, Bui TD, Canning-Clode J, Castro N, Chaichana R, Çoker T, Dashinov D, Ekmekçi FG, Erős T, Ferincz Á, Ferreira T, Giannetto D, Gilles Jr. AS, Głowacki L, Goulletquer P, Interesova E, Iqbal S, Jakubčinová K, Kanongdate K, Kim J-E, Kopecký O, Kostov V, Koutsikos N, Kozic S, Kristan P, Kurita Y, Lee H-G, Leuven RSEW, Lipinskaya T, Lukas J, Marchini A, Martínez AIG, Masson L, Memedemin D, Moghaddas SD, Monteiro J, Mumladze L, Naddafi R, Năvodaru I, Olsson KH, Onikura N, Paganelli D, Pavia Jr. RT, Perdikaris C, Pickholtz R, Pietraszewski D, Povž M, Preda C, Ristovska M, Rosíková K, Santos JM, Semenchenko V, Senanan W, Simonović P, Smeti E, Števove B, Švolíková K, Ta KAT, Tarkan AS, Top N, Tricarico E, Uzunova E, Vardakas L, Verreycken H, Zięba G, Mendoza R (2020) Speaking their language – Development of a multilingual decision-support tool for communicating invasive species risks to decision makers and stakeholders. Environmental Modelling & Software 135: 104900.
- Bierbach D, Krause S, Romanczuk P, Lukas J, Arias-Rodriguez L, Krause J (2020) An interaction mechanism for the maintenance of fission–fusion dynamics under different individual densities. PeerJ 8: e8974.
- Bierbach D, Mönck HJ, Lukas J, Habedank M, Romaczuk P, Landgraf T, Krause J (2020) Guppies Prefer to Follow Large (Robot) Leaders Irrespective of Own Size. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8: 441.
- Bierbach D, Landgraf T, Romanczuk P, Lukas J, Nguyen H, Wolf M, Krause J (2018) Using a robotic fish to investigate individual differences in social responsiveness in the guppy. Royal Society Open Science 5(8): 181026.
- Bierbach D, Lukas J, Bergmann A, Elsner K, Höhne L, Weber C, Weimar N, Arias-Rodriguez L, Mönck HJ, Nguyen H, Romanczuk P, Landgraf T, Krause J (2018) Insights into the Social Behavior of Surface and Cave-Dwelling Fish (Poecilia mexicana) in Light and Darkness through the Use of a Biomimetic Robot. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5: 3.
- Lukas J, Kalinkat G, Kempkes M, Rose U, Bierbach D (2017) Feral guppies in Germany – a critical evaluation of a citizen science approach as biomonitoring tool. Bulletin of Fish Biology 17: 13–27.
- Piria M, Copp GH, Dick JTA, Duplić A, Groom Q, Jelić D, Lucy FE, Roy HE, Sarat E, Simonović P, Tomljanović T, Tricarico E, Weinlander M, Adámek Z, Bedolfe S, Coughlan NE, Davis E, Dobrzycka-Krahel A, Grgić Z, Kīrankaya SG, Ekmekçi FG, Lajtner J, Lukas J, Koutsikos N, Mennen GJ, Mitić B, Pastorino P, Ruokonen TJ, Skóra ME, Smith ERC, Šprem N, Serhan Tarkan A, Treer T, Vardakas L, Vehanen T, Vilizzi L, Zanella D, Caffrey JM (2017) Tackling invasive alien species in Europe II: threats and opportunities until 2020. Management of Biological Invasions 8(3): 273–286.
- Lukas J, Jourdan J, Kalinkat G, Emde S, Miesen FW, Jüngling H, Cocchiararo B, Bierbach D (2017) On the occurrence of three non-native cichlid species including the first record of a feral population of Pelmatolapia (Tilapia) mariae (Boulenger, 1899) in Europe. Royal Society Open Science 4(6): 170160.

Other publications & Contributions
Bierbach D, Francisco FA, Lukas J (2021) Biomimetische Roboter – aktiver Tierschutz im Sinn des 3R-Prinzips. Versuchstierkunde kompakt 7-21: 20–24 [special issue on laboratory animal science, in German]
Lukas J (2019) German language contribution to the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK) v2 to v2.3 by Vilizzi L, Copp G et al.
Kempkes M, Lukas J, Bierbach D (eds.) (2018) Tropische Neozoen in heimischen Fließgewässern. Die Neue-Brehm Bücherei (NBB kompakt) 755, VerlagsKG Wolf, Magdeburg: 148 pp. [popular science book in German]
Lukas J, Bierbach D (2018) Häufigkeit von (sub)tropischen Arten in thermisch-belasteten Gewässern in Deutschland und Konsequenzen für die lokale Biodiversität. In: Korn, Dünnfelder & Schliep (eds.) Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt XVI. BfN-Skripten 487: 158-163 [Conference report synthesizing the ‘Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftstagung zur Biodiversitätsforschung im Rahmen der Convention on Biological Diversity’, in German]
Nilsen TO, Lukas J, Valen R, Helvik JV, Ebbesson LOE, Rønnestad I, Hamre K, Handeland SO, Stefansson SO (2015) Utvikling av osmoregulerings-systemet hos torskelarver start-fôret på rotatorier eller naturlig zooplankton. Norsk Fiskeoppdrett Expert 1: 36-38. [special issue in collaboration with the CODE project, in Norwegian]

Lukas J (2017) Behavioural adaptations of a feral guppy population (Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859) to temperature gradients in thermally polluted freshwaters in Germany [Master thesis, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany]
Lukas J (2014) The expression of two osmoregulatory genes in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua L.) under the influence of two different diets: an ontogenetic study [Bachelor thesis, Free University of Berlin, Germany]